Extract icons from your files and folders and Internet locations in seconds!
With ICL-Icon Extractor you can:
- Quickly and efficiently scan files, folders or even entire drives for icon images
- Download icons from the Internet
- Extract icon images from .ico, .cur, .ani, .exe, .icl, .dll, .scr, .il, .nil, .dcr, .res, .ocx, .vbx, .dpl, .bpl and other libraries
- Extract icon images from .zip and .rar archives
- Import .bmp, .jpg, .png, .gif, .wmf and other images into icon collections
- Create and manage .icl icon libraries
- Store found icons in special .icc icon collection format with icon source information
- Archive icons in .zip files
- Export icons to .ico, .png, .jpg, .cur, .gif, .xpm, .xbm and .bmp files
- Copy icon images to clipboard
- Delete duplicate icons from collections
- Sort icons inside collections
- Split icon libraries into individual icon files
- Export any standard Windows icon for future reuse
- Customize standard Windows icons
- Rebuild and repair the icon cache
This .ico scanner will grab icons from Mac OS files. ICL-Icon Extractor - rapid icon extracting software!
System requirements: Windows 95/98/ME/2000/NT/XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10, 8 MB Hard Disk.
Trial limitations: 30-day trial period, nag-screen.
Download (0.9 MB): exe
Copyright © 2000-2022 Aha-Soft. All rights reserved.
 2005-May-11 Version 2.0b
Added: Support for zip and rar archives
Added: Ability to download icons from the Internet
Added: Ability to extract icons from Borland .dcr and .res files
 2005-Mar-16 Version 1.0
ICL-Icon Extractor is released

How easy is it to navigate through and manage your collection of images? AhaView will make browsing and managing your image collections easier.